Pioneer mountain man, fur trader and scout. Lived as a war leader with the Crow. A pass between California and Nevada was named after Beckwourth. He carried the mail by horseback from Monterey to Southern California in 1847. He found a lower pass over the mountains that proved to be safer for emigrants than the Donner Trail. Marysville was just beginning to grow and people were needed to support the influx of gold seeking entrepreneurs. Beckwourth made a deal with the city fathers to bring in a wagon train of emigrants. The city promised to pay him. The city burnt to the ground. He was never paid. In 1995, the councilmen of Marysville renamed a place near the end of the trail, Beckwourth Riverfront Park.
Year : 1976
Size: 30" x 24"
Series: African Cowboys
Medium: Acrylic on masonite